How to Join

Dec 28, 2006 at 08:47 am by staff

Great Reasons to Join

    • Be better informed. . . on what is being done in the surveying profession locally, statewide, and nationally. Do you know the main issues facing your profession this year? In the future.
    • Support your association's organization. . . by yourself you are a "voice in the dark," but by joining other members of the association, you will be impressed at what can be accomplished. Is your association addressing these issues and have you voiced your opinion?
    • No man stands alone. . . you and your ideas when joined with hundreds of others - help - and suggestions, in turn, give you stronger representation at the city, county, state and national levels.
    • Improve your business. . . through the information availible in publications that you receive and the exchange of ideas at local meetings, state meetings and the TAPS annual convention. Have you attended any meetings, seminars or conventions in the past year?
    • Increase business contacts. . . because every contact a business person makes is a potential asset to himself and his business.
    • Further your own profession. . . contribute your own time and energy in your profession and reap the rewards that you help create by this contribution.
    • Everyone needs a friend. . . your membership brings you "instant" friends of the association, people like yourself, who are working for one goal - to achieve out of life what you can by working in the same profession: surveying.
    • Lend your stature. . . to help surveying grow and prosper as a profession, not as technicians.


    • Membership Application application

    • Business Application application

Membership Dues Membership Year October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024

  • Instate Member - $300.00 Licensed Includes NSPS lives instate

  • Out of State Member- $250.00 Licensed. Does not include NSPS paid to state they live in.
  • Associate $ 170.00-No NSPS

  • Student - $ 30.00- No NSPS

  • Retired - $ 110.00-No NSPS

  • Business - $300.00 (Company) 

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